Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent
if no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~ Henry Van Dyke
Happy New Year! I hope 2012
has greeted you with a refreshed and invigorated spirit for the New Year. I
wish you all the best for a spectacular and prosperous new year! I apologize
for not getting a newsletter out before now but perhaps that is a good thing.
We've been busy at the Chamber in these first few weeks of 2012 and perhaps
if you haven't noticed not getting these eNewsletters that means your
business is very busy too and that's a good thing for your bottom line and
our local economy!
I have to go ahead and warn
you to get out a box of tissues. The video above is somewhat of a tear jerker
but the message is something I have been thinking a great deal about. I love
the holidays because it usually gives me a lot of time to think. One thing I
have kept coming back to in my thinking over the break is Passion,
Excitement, Caring and Commitment. All of these are adjectives we would want
most people to say about us as individuals but what do they say about the
"personality" of your business? When people think of your business
or your brand, do adjectives like these come to mind (or are they using other
adjectives in their place)?
We've heard it over and over
that the "attitude" of the business is in the people. I think that
is absolutely true. Everyone your customers come in contact with from the
receptionist to the CEO themselves directs the attitude of the company. And
those at the top usually dictate the attitude of those underneath and
specifically those who are the first face of the company. How are you
directing that attitude? Are you directing it in the manner in which you want
the customer to view the company? Are you leading with Passion and Courage?
I have a very unique position
in the community because I get to interact with all walks of businesses and
community leaders from start-ups and family owned and operated two man shops
to world leaders in their fields. It is interesting seeing the leadership
capabilities and styles of each individual as they chart the course of their
company's fate and how they go about obtaining their dreams. I can guarantee
you that just like the big sister in the video, these leaders have been
afraid, they weren't sure what to do at times but they knew what was right,
they knew they had to protect the future of their business and so through
some tears and many prayers they too made it through dark times. As it says
in the video, being courageous doesn't mean you aren't afraid; it just means
you care more about something else than what you fear.
I hope you won't have to
endure many dark times in your journey. We all go through them, but how we
overcome them is what builds our character and sets the attitude and
direction of our forward motions. Whatever you do in 2012, I hope you do it
with passion. I hope that it is exciting for you and your company as well as
for Jones County, and I hope that through a caring spirit you will be
committed to making this one of your best year's yet! I am looking for great
things to happen in Mississippi and in Jones County in 2012. I hope you are
along for the ride because it's gonna be fun!
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