“I am certain that after the dust of centuries has passed
over our cities, we, too, will be remembered not for victories or defeats in
battle or politics, but for our contribution to the human spirit.”
~John F. Kennedy
I recently was afforded the
opportunity to spend another week in Athens, Georgia for the U.S. Chamber of
Commerce’s Institute for Organizational Management program. This was my third
year to attend of my four year certification.
While attending Institute, I am able
to interact and learn from respected practitioners, consultants, facilitators
and peers who are Chamber of Commerce and Association Executives from all over
the country. This year there were even a few international participants that
This program is great for those of us
in the Chamber of Commerce profession and for those in community and economic
development. It is amazing to be able to share Jones County’s story with people
all over the country and to be able to learn about their communities, gather
ideas and discover ways to add value to the things we offer here at home.
In addition to the very practical
application of knowledge I learn while I am at Institute. It is also very
rewarding to develop a deeper relationship with friends and colleagues who are
as passionate about their community as I am about Jones County.
Whether you are in the business of Economic
Development, Community Development, Chamber of Commerce, Main Street or a host
of other organizations; when you are helping to create jobs and grow the
community for the better, the people leading these efforts are very motivated
by the work they do and they are very passionate about the differences they
make. The ups and downs, the wins and losses and the successes we enjoy as a
community affect us all greatly on a personal level. It is something very
special to be surrounded by these like minded people.
One of my favorite moments of Institute each year is graduation
night. During the graduation ceremony the fourth year elects two members to
recap their experiences and leave a charge to the following classes. This
year’s charge was as special as the years before. One selection in particular
has stuck with me and the words spoken keep coming back in my mind again and
In his monologue, Randy Vivian, the President and CEO of the
Victoria Chamber of Commerce in Victoria, Texas shared a passionate poem from
memory. Without a single note and very few dry eyes in the crowd, Randy
reminded us of our charge as professionals to be builders, not destroyers. As
leaders of the community we are charged with laying the foundations so that
others may realize their dreams. It is through the work we do today that builds
a path so that future generations can realize the success needed to carry our
legacy forward. You are a part of that legacy. You are a part of that
Each of us has a decision to make about our role in the community.
I want to leave you with the poem Randy inspired us with, but as you read the words;
I encourage you to make a choice. Which person will you be? Will you help to
lay the foundation for others, or will you tear down what has been created? One
way leads toward the path of success for our community, the other does not.
Today is a great day in Jones County. It is the best day for us to
all start working toward a common goal and a bright future for the next chapter
in our history. Won’t you join us and help lay a foundation (or two)? I am sure
that if you do, your reward will be great and our community will be much better
off because you did.
“I saw them tearing a
building down
A team of men in my hometown. With a heave and a ho and a yes yes yell, they swung a beam and a sidewall fell.
‘Like the ones you'd use if you had to build?’
And he laughed and said, ‘Oh no, indeed...
the most common labor is all I need...
what takes a builder ten years to do.’
Which one of these roles am I willing to play?
Am I one who is tearing down as I carelessly make my way around?
Or am I one who builds with care, in order to make the world a
little better... because I was there?”
A team of men in my hometown. With a heave and a ho and a yes yes yell, they swung a beam and a sidewall fell.
‘Like the ones you'd use if you had to build?’
And he laughed and said, ‘Oh no, indeed...
the most common labor is all I need...
what takes a builder ten years to do.’
Which one of these roles am I willing to play?
Am I one who is tearing down as I carelessly make my way around?
Or am I one who builds with care, in order to make the world a
little better... because I was there?”
And I said to the
foreman, ‘Are these men skilled?’
for I can destroy in a day or two
So I thought to
myself as I went on my way...
---* This article was originally printed in the Sunday, July 7, 2013 issue of The Chronicle's "Planting Seeds" column.
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